We received a tremendous response a few weeks ago when we published “A Reader’s Guide to Government Performance” by John Kamensky, a longtime leader in the performance field who we’ve known since the early 1990s when we visited him at his GAO office and he shared knowledge about performance management in New Zealand, Australia and other countries.
We were happy to see that his recent recommendations sparked enthusiasm from other well-known experts in the performance field. The following new suggestions of books, reports, articles and presentations about performance management come from David Ammons, Maria Aristigueta, Marc Holzer, Michael Jacobson, Andrew Kleine, Aroon P. Manoharan and Robert Shea.
A Performance Reader’s Guide Continued:
Shelley Metzenbaum, Demetra Smith Nightingale and Batia Katz, Communicating Evidence, Urban Institute, September 22
Ken Miller, We Don’t Make Widgets: Overcoming the Myths that Keep Government from Radically Improvement, Governing Books, 2006
Theodore H. Poister, Maria P. Aristigueta and Jeremy L. Hall, Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: An Integrated Approach, 2nd Edition, Jossey-Bass, 2015.
Marc Holzer (editor) and Andrew Ballard (editor) Public Productivity and Performance Handbook, 3rd Edition, 2021, plus Roadmaps for Performance
Donald Moynihan, The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform, Georgetown University Press, 2008.
Martin O'Malley, Smarter Government: How to Govern for Results in the Digital Age, Esri Press, 2019; Plus the helpful accompanying workbook, Smarter Government Workbook: A 14-Week Implementation Guide to Governing for Results.
Brian Elms with J.B. Wogan, Peak Performance: How Denver’s Peak Academy is Saving Money, Boosting Morale and Just Maybe Changing the World. (And How You Can, Too!), Governing Books, 2016
John Pickering, Gerald Brokaw, and Anton Gardner, Building High-Performance Local Governments: Case Studies in Leadership at All Levels, Greenleaf Book, 2014
Kaifeng Yang and Marc Holzer, The Performance-Trust Link: Implications for Performance Measurement, Public Administration Review, January/February 2006
Also, Managing For Results in Government, an abundance of materials that focus on performance management, published by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Our thanks to the following illustrious individuals who contributed to this growing reading list:
David Ammons, Albert Coates Professor Emeritus of Public Administration and Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, whose expertise in local performance and benchmarking is unparalleled;
Maria Aristigueta, inaugural dean of the University of Delaware's Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration;
Marc Holzer, well-known for his performance measurement scholarship and attention to practice at Suffolk University and the Rutgers School of Public affairs and Administration, where he was founding dean;
Michael Jacobson, award-winning leader on organizational measurement, monitoring, and performance management and deputy director of Performance and Strategy in King County;
Andrew Kleine, former Baltimore budget director and national expert in municipal finance and performance management;
Aroon P. Manoharan, executive director of the National Center for Public Performance at the Institute for Public Service (IPS), Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University;
Robert Shea, chief executive officer of GovNavigators and former associate director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, with a longtime commitment to improve government performance.
More recommendations from these and other performance management enthusiasts will follow in future weeks.
And, if you have additional suggestions, please send them in!
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