We frequently track the work of government membership associations, one of the best ways to see what state and local decision-makers and appointees in a wide variety of fields are talking about. These are the places that top officials share challenges, solutions and news of their fields with one another.
The output of these organizations tend to be a bit siloed, however. With everyone short on time, we’re not sure that budget directors pay leisurely visits to websites designed for human resource officers or that CIOs eavesdrop on what’s happening in the world of Treasurers, Comptrollers or Auditors.

So here we go. We’re introducing a new feature in the B&G Report today in which we scour a selection of membership organizations periodically to give our readers a taste of the information that they’ve recently published. The organizations on these lists will vary over time, depending on what’s new.
This week, NASBO continued to publish summaries of the Governor’s State of the State addresses. As of March 4, forty speech summaries are available. Links to the speeches themselves are here. The last two governors to give State of the State speeches this year are from Louisiana and Ohio, and these will take place on March 14 and 24, respectively.
Also of note: On February 22, NASBO’s Kathryn White posted “Data Analysis: State Rainy Day Fund Balances Over Time” in the organization’s budget blog.
On March 1, NASCIO posted its top ten enterprise risks for 2022. Top risk (no surprise): Cybersecurity. See the rest here. According to NASCIO, these enterprise risks, compiled with input from state CIOs, should be a valuable reference to states and the marketplace.
If you’re interested in what the different individual State CAOs do, NASCA has published its 2022 “Areas of Responsibility” report. As with just about everything in the world of states, the role varies from one place to another, with some CAOs having jurisdiction over budgeting, technology, accounting and a wide variety of other fields, while others have a more limited oversight role.
NACo held its 2022 legislative conference in February, with news and commentary from the conference covered extensively by County News here.
On March 3, NACo updated its FAQs on the American Rescue Plan Act. On March 1, NACo executive director Matthew Chase responded to President Biden’s State of the Union address noting that the address highlighted the need for strong intergovernmental partnerships. The press release statement ends with a call by Chase for bipartisanship and a link to NACo’s 2022 priorities.
On February 24, NACo published the first in a series of layman’s guides focused on improving communication between county officials and county technology leaders. See also our Route Fifty Q&A about the layman guide project with NACo CIO Rita Reynolds.
On Wednesday, March 2, APHSA released a new report, “Core Principles for TANF Modernization: A Legislative Framework for TANF Reform.”