We hope the site will be helpful, interesting and even entertaining to you, and that you’ll visit frequently. There will be something new here almost every few days (and our Twitter feed will, of course, be updated several times a day). So, if you’ve gone a week without checking in, we guarantee that you’ll find the visit worthwhile.
Future Entrees in the B&G Report space will tend to be tied to the news. (And we think it’s justifiable to claim that this one qualifies inasmuch as it’s pretty big news to us that our website has gone live).
The B&G Report feature will give us an opportunity to bring our readers up to date with our insights into the most current events in the world of state and local governments. We may also use this space for commentary from interesting practitioners, academics, elected officials, journalists and so on. New, credible reports about states and localities that come to our attention will also be featured here.
Or we may just want to use the space to vent! While we are supporters of the good work that is frequently accomplished by state and local government, we’re real believers in the idea that government should be held accountable. As a former New York City comptroller said “It’s not that government is bad. It’s stupid government that’s bad.” We hope you’ll feel free to go to the “Contact Us” section and respond (especially when we’re mostly voicing our own opinions].
What’s more, if you’ve got something you’d like us to share with our audience – even if it has nothing to do with anything that’s already appeared on this site – please let us know. We’d like the Barrett and Greene, Inc. website to be a virtual conference without any virtual chicken for lunch. (In fact, lunchtime might be a good time to visit us here. Get yourself a nice sandwich, some chips and an appealing beverage, and we’ll be here to educate or entertain you, right inside your computer, tablet or cell phone.)
One last note. We’ve covered information technology for years. We wrote a book, Powering Up, about the subject over a decade ago. And one thing we know for sure. Something, or many things, will be mucked up on this site the day it goes live. Sorry about that. Let us know, and we’ll fix it.
Welcome, Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene Barrett and Greene, Inc.