People in procurement know how important their discipline is. But if you were to ask young people if they craved a future in procurement, it’s our guess that a good many would be unfamiliar with the field or maybe even the meaning of the word.
But a new apprenticeship program in Maryland – the first of its kind in the country – is aiming to develop a skilled procurement workforce for the state. The pilot program, dubbed the “Future of Procurement Apprenticeship,” was announced by the Gov. Wes Moore in late November and is being launched by the Maryland Department of General Services Office of State Procurement in partnership with the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).
According to a governor’s office press release, “the program positions Maryland as a procurement and workforce development innovator, fostering economic growth both by making Maryland more competitive and the state that serves.”
Participants in the program will be guided to educational instruction through a procurement-related associate degree from a Maryland community college as well as participation in state procurement certification programs. It’s open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent, and according to the Department of General Services, “The program is designed to provide opportunities for a wide range of participants, including recent high school graduates, individuals seeking a career change, and those interested in developing a career in public procurement.
“As the first public procurement apprenticeship program in the nation, Maryland proudly serves as the flagship for establishing a strong foundation for future expansion and the potential to enrich our country’s workforce significantly,” said Maryland Department of General Services Secretary Atif Chaudhry. “In partnership, we’re building a legacy that empowers future generations of public service.”

As the Department of General Services explained, “In addition to the educational components, the apprenticeship program offers valuable on-the-job learning opportunities. The idea provides hands-on experience for participants through work alongside experienced professionals in Maryland's public procurement sector. Specific roles and placements are still being finalized, but the program aims to provide real-world exposure to procurement processes, policies, and best practices within State government. This combination of classroom instruction and work-based learning ensures that participants are well-prepared to transition into fulltime roles in public procurement upon completion of the program.”
NASPO’s director of procurement talent development Daniel May was quoted as saying, “Maryland’s leadership in championing innovative workforce development initiatives demonstrates a strong commitment to public service excellence. . . Together, we are shaping the next generation of skilled professionals who will bring innovation, efficiency, and excellence to the field.”
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