“Over the next two decades, state and local government are expected to receive over $55 billion as part of legal settlements” from lawsuits involving opioid abuse.
That’s a huge sum of money, but as Results for America writes in a recent study, “while there are numerous strategies that have been proven to prevent, mitigate, and respond to the consequences of drug use, there are indications that these funds are not being spent on strategies proven to address the opioid crisis.”
For example in Nevada, “recovery advocates say at least $10 million settlement funding appears to be going to programs or appropriations that don’t directly address the opioid epidemic,” according to an article in the March 16 edition of The Daily Indy.
Results for America has estimated the potential benefits for society when these funds are invested in evidence-based practices and are used as intended to fight the opioid crisis: 120,000 fewer people would misuse prescription of illegally manufactured fentanyl; there would be over 90,000 fewer opioid-related deaths; and over 75,000 people would remain free of addiction to opioids.

The two essential elements necessary for governments overseeing opioid settlement funds, according to Result for America include:
“Credibly define what ‘evidence-based’ means in statute, grant materials and budget processes”
Require or prioritize evidence-based practices in the statutes, grant materials and budget processes that govern settlement funds
As Zach Markovits, vice president and local practice lead at Results for America told us:
"The decisions state and local governments make today on opioid settlement funds will shape the future of our communities for decades. We know what works to help the individuals and their families who have been affected by opioid use disorder. The government leaders overseeing these funds should take advantage of this information and invest in proven solutions that save lives."
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