The problem of missed, delayed or faulty inspections is a frequent state and local performance audit topic, and one we have written about previously. This month, a Massachusetts performance audit critiqued the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) for a variety of safety issues, including delayed inspections, problems with the completion of preventive maintenance, and inconsistent documentation of previously cited subway car or track defects.
The problems have real consequences for both employees and residents of the Greater Boston area. As Diana DiZoglio, state auditor, said in a March 10 release, the latest MBTA audit “has revealed critical gaps around inspections and maintenance that put the safety of riders, employees and the public at risk.”
Among the problems cited in the audit:
A lack of timely inspection of subway tracks with the lack of inspections on scheduled dates increasing “risks to people and MBTA’s physical assets”.
Problems documenting that defects which had previously been identified on tracks were repaired in a way that aligned to maintenance standards.
A lack of subway car preventive maintenance inspections occurring at required intervals, a practice that is “critical to ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the MBTA’s subway system.”
Serious issues cited relating to areas where pedestrians can cross over tracks at MBTA commuter rail stations, with increases in safety incidents leading to “serious injuries and in some cases fatalities.”

The audit cites recent incidents involving Red and Green Line derailments, which caused injuries to passengers. It also provides a list of pedestrian injuries and several fatalities that occurred during the audit period (January 21-December 2022) at commuter rail stations and at other rail crossings that involved MBTA commuter trains.
One additional note. A couple of items we’ve written about the topic of inspections can be found here: “Why Food Inspections Fell Short in Berkeley, California” from July 2024, and “Lagging Inspections” from October, 2023.
#StateandLocalPerformanceAudit #CityPerformanceAudit #MBTAPerformanceAudit #MassachusettsStateAuditor #MassachusettsBayTransportationAuthority #MBTA #BostonAreaRailSafety #StateandLocalGovernmentManagement #StateandLocalGovernmentPerformance #StateandLocalGovernmentSafetyOversight #StateandLocalInspectionManagement #RepeatPerformanceAuditThemes #InspectionTimeliness #InspectionOversight #CityInspectionManagement #CommuterRailSafety #MBTACommuterRailSafety #InspectionUnderstaffing #PerformanceAuditInspectionFinding #PerformanceAuditDocumentationFinding #PerformanceAuditInspectionDelay #PerformanceAuditPreventiveMaintenanceFinding #BandGWeeklyManagementSelection #StateandLocalManagementNews #StateandLocalPerformanceAuditNews #StateandLocalSafetyNews #BarrettandGreeneInc