Mid-Atlantic StatNet is an organization that provides a fertile ground for governments in the mid-Atlantic region to learn about and expand the use of data, process analysis, evidence, data analysis, data visualization and more. This model of regional collaboration in performance management has just celebrated its tenth anniversary.
A couple of weeks ago, the American Society for Public Administration’s Center for Accountability and Performance (CAP) hosted a webinar, which you can see here, that brought the organization’s current leadership team together to share lessons learned, benefits derived and provide guidance for other regions considering a regional collaborative.
StatNet began its life as an effort to help members with benchmarking, but it was determined that wasn’t paying dividends and so it morphed into its current version, which focuses on sharing proven practices. It has two meetings a year, with up to 80 participants (though its leadership team meets monthly for planning purposes).

Benefits of the organization include a ready set of peers from which members can ask questions, learn about proven practices and generally allow each jurisdiction to stand on the shoulders of others while solidifying the field of performance management.
Among the future issues Mid-Atlantic StatNet intends to tackle include: AI; creating a trusted data culture (in a world of misinformation); and helping to understand the impacts of decentralizing the analytical skills/horsepower that have been located in a centralized office
Presenters at the webinar included: Elizabeth Funsch, Stat Manager for Anne Arundel County; Dave Gottesman, Assistant City Manager for Rockville, Maryland and Greg Useem, chief performance auditor of Alexandria, Virginia. It was moderated by Michael Jacobson, a long-time CAP board member and Deputy Director of Performance and Strategy at Washington’s King County Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget
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