This morning, a new partnership was announced that is intended to support simplifying and modernizing procurement processes for local governments.
The two partners in this venture are NIGP Code & Consulting, owned by NIGP – The Institute for Public Procurement, and Civic Marketplace, a venture-backed technology company which aims to transform public procurement through cutting-edge innovation, skillful use of artificial intelligence, and shared approaches to government contracting.

With its awareness of an evolving and often understaffed procurement workforce, Civic Marketplace facilitates searches to help cities effectively and efficiently find the contracts and vendors they need. Says Ron Holifield, president of Civic Marketplace, “This partnership is driven by our mutual commitment to public service. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we are setting a new standard in procurement, allowing governments to focus on resident outcomes while increasing operational efficiency.
The key objectives of this collaboration are to:
Enhance Platform Support: NIGP Consulting will work with Civic Marketplace to provide member agencies with procurement support, ensuring the platform meets the highest standards in public procurement excellence.
Build Capacity: NIGP Consulting will guide Civic Marketplace stakeholders on best practices in procurement, strategic sourcing, and operational efficiencies.
License NIGP Codes: Civic Marketplace will integrate NIGP’s standardized commodity coding system, enabling users to navigate procurement categories with greater precision and consistency.
As Marcheta Gillespie, President of NIGP Code & Consulting told us. “We are the thought-leaders and past and present practitioners in public sector procurement so our focus is advancing and supporting that discipline by bringing best practices and innovation to communities everyplace.
“The most exciting part for me of this new venture are the services we can provide to the numerous small public sector entities that don’t have a formalized public procurement function. They do the best they can, but they may run into difficulties complying with state and federal guidelines or even their own. We believe this service will be exciting to them – and also to larger entities as well.”
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