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Between June 9-June 12, 2024, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) held its annual conference in Orlando, Florida. Thousands of GFOA members attended sessions". And also in the first sentence, take out the GFOA abbreviation (GFOA)  after the initial reference to the Government Finance Officers Association.

As advisors to GFOA, we moderated several of the 2024 sessions, including ones focused on performance-informed budgeting, simplifying procurement and artificial intelligence. Beyond that, we took advantage of the opportunity to capture observations on video from seven of the attendees including Chris Morrill, executive director of GFOA. Each one was interesting to us, and we think they will be to you. To see the videos, click below.

Chris  Morrill

Executive Director

Government Finance Officers Association

Zachary Markovits

Vice President & Local Practice Lead, Results for America

David Goldman

Deputy City Administrator and Finance Director

Oak Harbor, Washington

Sharon Edmundson,

Director of Municipal Finance Programs

North Carolina League of Municipalities

Jennifer Becker,

Financial Services Director, Burbank, California

Shakeel Yusuf

Chief Financial Officer, Prince William County Public Schools

Shane Kavanagh

Senior Manager of Research, Government  Finance Officers Association

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