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The B&G Report features newsy items relating to a wide variety of state and local government management topics, including state and local performance audit, state and local performance management, government budgeting, state and local human resource issues, and a variety of other public sector issues.

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On the Road to a More Diverse Workforce
Cities, counties and states from coast to coast are cultivating efforts to create a more diverse workforce – one that mirrors the...

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THE B&G Reading List
Periodically, we make a request in the B&G Report for recommendations of books that provide worthy reading for people who are interested...

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A little over two years ago, as we were researching an IBM Center for the Business of Government report about lessons learned from the...

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Why hide from data?
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been doing research into the challenges municipalities face when they want to hire a diverse workforce....

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Climate Action: Backed by Budget
by Chris Fabian, CEO, ResourceX To prevent a “climate catastrophe,” the focus of local, regional, national, and international...

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How To Use Data in Workforce Management
Across the U.S., a growing number of cities, counties, and states are using data across agencies to improve management and make...

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Disaggregating is King
Our friend and colleague Harry Hatry has long insisted that data is far more valuable when it’s disaggregated. In a January 2022 paper...

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Where are the ARPA Funds Going in Large American Cities and Counties?
There’s been a great deal written about the ways in which states and localities are spending the federal dollars they are receiving from...

6 min read
Lessons Learned from TANF Clients
In researching the 26-year-old Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program recently, we had the chance to talk with Mary Beth...

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Engaging the Community to Serve the Community: The Providence Rescue Plan
By Joshua Avila, MPA, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, City of Providence, Office of Mayor Jorge O. Elorza I joined the City of...

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What Are The Best City Park Systems?
On May 3rd, The Trust for Public Land (TPS) released its annual ParkScore rankings of parks in the 100 most populous cities, based on...

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Bright Light on the Importance of HR
We’ve seen lots of changes in public sector human resources over the years, but none as startling and transformative as those that...

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A Missing Link in Workforce Development: Quality Jobs
We’ve written repeatedly over the years about the many challenges that confront workforce development programs. Back in the early 1990s,...
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